How Epitom Trinergy as a Tech Start up has achieved the 2nd year target in style


Starting a business is, both, a challenging and tempting idea but from what I have seen, most people start a business with just profits as their goal. Yes, this is one of the goals but business is a long road and a considerable amount of time, energy, patience and strength has to be dedicated in order to finally achieve the profits you want. Let me share my story, the Epitom Trinergy story.

I’m not a tech guy but I always had a passion for it and that’s what enabled me to start Epitom Trinergy two years ago. I completed my A/Ls and enrolled in the University of Colombo at the Faculty of Management and Finance. But my passion for technology kept tugging at me until I used the internet to learn everything I could about web development. Using my knowledge, I developed my first ever tech site The website isn’t available anymore and I couldn’t continue it because of my studies but it is what I could consider to be my first stepping stone with which my interest for technology only increased, finally leading me to start Epitom Trinergy.

I should say, the first year was hard and that’s expected. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy but I also trusted that so long as I kept persisting, success wouldn’t be too far away. So during my first year, I didn’t make much profit and people kept telling me that the competition was too strong, the team was too young and inexperienced and so on. But you know what? If you keep trying with the resources you have, then in time, you’ll achieve what you wanted. With the very same marketing team, in 2016, we achieved the two digit sales target and there are so many reasons behind how and why we actually did that.

Put your ideas down on paper

Always remember to form all your sales plans on paper or target driven format. That way, you can stay focused and you know where you goals are so you can work towards it.

Be positive 

I can’t stress enough on this. You need to have nerves of steel to start your own business or set up your own company and there will be ups and downs. Brace yourself for the down and always look for reasons to be positive. In the field of business, the only way to survive is a positive mindset.

Take calculated challenges

Business – or should I say life itself – is all about confidence and belief that you can do it. So if you have an amazing idea and you don’t believe in yourself, then it will never come true. No matter how hard or challenging it may seem, push yourself to do the handwork and it will pay off eventually.

Motivate your team and believe in them

I couldn’t have done what I’ve done without my team. It’s true when they say your team is an extension of yourself and this is why you need to keep motivating and inspiring them. Be a part of the team and most importantly, believe in them so they will believe in themselves more. You won’t believe the miracles this can do!

Have the right kind of people with you

There will always be people who will discourage you and however hard we try to ignore them, it can actually affect how we work. The question will keep looming over your head – ‘Can I actually do it’? ‘Did I make the right choice?’ ‘Will I be able to carry on?’

So be around people who have the right mindset, people who are positive and encouraging. And when they keep telling you ‘You can do it!’ you’ll believe that you actually can too.

Reward your team

You can’t deny the fact that your team are working for you so remember to always reward them for their productivity. After all, they deserve it for their hard work, don’t they?

Have your ideas predicted perfectly

Whether it’s your financials or final product, make sure you have a thorough ideas about how it’s going to be. This will set you up against any challenges, should it arise, and more importantly, you will have a clear picture of what to expect so you can expend the energy required for it.

Counter arguments with actions

Let your actions speak louder than your words. If people doubt your abilities, then take up the challenge in a positive way and make sure that your actions win the arguments. Let your work do the talking.

Effectively plan your projects

Planning is the key. Take the time to do the required research, spend some time on looking up for new ideas and plan your project thoroughly. You can never get into a project with only half a plan. So don’t overlook even the tiny details. Plan your projects in details and this will save time, effort and money.

Make your customers happy

Most of you clients are through referrals and we have achieved this by making our existing clients happy. Go the extra mile to wow your clients and, trust me, it will do your business a world of good.

Don’t underestimate your scope

When we were building websites for our clients, our competitors limited their prices to pages but we didn’t do so. We under promised our clients and over delivered, making our customers more than just satisfied. And by doing so, we managed to gain many more clients as well. Our 65% of total business comes from referrals.

I’ve had my fair share of challenges before, while and even after starting Epitom but I refuse to give up. Now, two years down the line, I’m proud to have achieved this much and to have people come up to with encouragement. Stepping into the frontier of establishing your own business is a tough ask and I’ve met people who have the talent but zero confidence in themselves. You can either sit down, doing nothing and wondering about all the things you could have actually down or you could get up, motivate yourself and then do the things you’ve wanted to do. Trust in yourself and your abilities and if you think you’ve got what it takes to build your own business, then by all means do so. But don’t ever forget where you started from and keep learning -you can never get enough of it.



What do search marketers need in order to stay focused and ahead of the online marketing arena in 2016? Below are 5 key trends that every marketer needs to watch closely.

Search-engine trends are constantly evolving and 2016 will certainly see innovative new developments. 2015 already saw tremendous changes in the search and content marketing world and the stage has been set for a brand new era of search engine trends.

Producing content has seen a shift from its traditional ways and instead, a new trend is being developed towards using search and social data to guide content creation. Speculated to be a major development process in increasing engagements for business brands, this trend will certainly help attract the perfect target audience.

While we all know how important a role content plays in online marketing to drive customers, the more technical aspect of search optimization must not be underestimated. The evolvement of the online industry has vastly affected the mindset of how and where brands need to focus their efforts in order to develop quality content that will shine in the spotlight.

So, the basics aside, below is a look at the top five SEO trends that businesses have to play close attention in the New Year, 2016.

Optimization of Mobile Apps

2015 was a revolutionary year that saw a massive increase in mobile apps and we all saw how effectively mobile searches overtook desktop searches. In 2016, it is expected that mobile apps are more than likely to become an even more significant factor for search and brand exposure and mobile apps will become absolutely vital for an effective mobile user experience.

If doubtful about the value and importance of mobile apps, this statistic will certainly put your doubts to rest: 52% of all time spent in the digital media is consumed by mobile apps and 42% of all mobile sales generated by the top 500 merchants were brought about through mobile apps. As a brand, if you want to keep your customers engaged, mobile apps need to be optimized. This of course, relies largely on designing the perfect mobile app that reflects on the organization and the message your brand is endorsing.

You also need to remember that when searching for mobile apps on the app store, users are initially only going to see icons that relate very few information. This makes it extremely important that icon images are visually appealing so people are encouraged to click and find out more. Also, customer feedback is very critical; keep a close eye on reviews and ratings and if users begin to complain about any errors or other usage issues, then set about to correct the problem straight away and make sure that other customers are aware that the problem has been addressed to.

Structured Data will become more important

Google announced the usage of the new machine-learning system called RankBrain in 2105. This groundbreaking A.I technology was designed to better comprehend the intent of searches and Google says that this system has been significantly helpful when search engines face a question it has not encountered before. This ranking factor has become increasingly prominent as Google claims that it is the third most important ranking system in Google’s algorithm.

The developments in this technology show that A.I can become a very important feature in 2016. While Google and other search engines introduce new concepts and incorporate machine learning in their algorithms, they can also develop an intellectual algorithm technique that can learn what users are searching for, thereby maximizing user experience by showing up the best websites.

As far as the technical aspect is concerned, brands have to focus on structured data to anticipate this development. Structured data markup, like the one found on, helps websites communicate with search engines by accurately describing what is on the page as opposed to leaving it up to the spiders to interpret. This paves way for search engines to display the site more precisely.

Previously, inaccurate or missing structured data markup would generally pass by unobserved or with hardly any impact on brand performance. As search engines became more intelligent, it also become more dependant on this extra data and failing to do so correctly would adversely affect the success of your website.

When using the markup, you should also use Google Webmaster Tools to ensure that the markup has been used properly. The Structured Data Testing Tool will prove to be easier for business brands to make sure that they have included everything perfectly. Brands must also be certain that their markup has been used consistently throughout the website, predominantly for rich content on the site, such as videos. This will make sure that rich snippets appear where possible, like in video search results. The importance of this is that it can increase the click-through rate for your website by making it look more engaging on the search engine results pages.

Website Layout will be more significant

Engagement is bound to take the center stage in 2016. Brands have always had to focus heavily on the extremely competitive content field to increase engagements and keep visitors to the website interested, and coming back for more. This is why website features such as the layout will be a very important aspect of rising above today’s content battlefield. When users have trouble in finding the information they are seeking on a website, they would click back to the search engine and an estimated 50% of potential sales are lost as a result of this.

This is precisely why you need to make sure that your website is optimized for visitors and one of the decisive factors for conversions is that your website is easy to navigate. Carefully examine your website data and keep close tabs on how visitors are reacting- are there any pages that are not being visited? Are there many people who click on many pages in quick succession and then click off the website? Attending to these questions would lead to the conclusion that people were looking for something in particular but that they couldn’t find it. So, in order to counter this impact, make sure that your website is properly organized. Your website must have subcategories and easy navigational features. Drop-down menus are extremely helpful as well and also consider adding an internal search bar. This is especially important for e-commerce websites so users can find what they are looking for must faster.

These factors aside, it’s also important to remember that the website layout and optimization also applies to mobile. To achieve this effectively for smart devices, it’s important to understand what your customers do on your website. For instance, providing the contact information and click-to-call buttons up front can be very helpful. At the same time, look at your mobile data to have a more thorough understanding on what customers are doing on your website so you can ensure that your mobile pages offer the perfect on-the-go user experience.

Links will still hold the limelight

The first Penguin Update of more than one year is expected to hit the online arena within a few weeks and this update has assured that it will clean up the link struggles that have been affecting websites ever since the launch of the last Penguin release in 2014. This eagerly awaited update has kept many people excited about how it will impact link building.

Business brands have to take full advantage of this update and not get caught back with penalties that could get your New Year’s marketing resolutions on a bad footing. This means that you have to take a very watchful look at the current profile link and look for variances in the number of backlinks for your web pages.

Brands must also focus heavily on earning backlinks that will impact your web page positively. Links from trustworthy websites can definitely impact a backlink profile, and these are the ones you should be targeting.

All good websites know that linking to other sites is as good as a vote of confidence. It must be noted that these sites will only link to pages that match the quality and value of their pages, so it’s important to build a quality backlink profile. For this, you need to focus on the following:

  • Offering unique and high-value content
  • Promoting content through social media platforms for more exposure
  • Designing an effective, easy-to-navigate website
  • Guest posts on reputed, quality web pages

On the other hand, brands must also review their backlink profile in order to identify any problematic links, if any. If you happen to notice any spam sites linking to your website, immediately reject them through Google. You really don’t want to run the risk of having these in your backlink profile with the new update just around the corner.

Search will be based heavily on overall content and online presence

It is expected that 2016 will be an era of maturation in online marketing and it is likely that success will have less to do with website ranking and will depend a lot on the overall online presence of the brand. Due to this reason, your website should have an imposing online presence and it should be well integrated with social media platforms.

Facebook, in particular, has been developing better search experiences for users and it is expected that this might become more sophisticated this year. What this means is that brands must now be geared up to optimize their online presence on social media, and this trend will be especially significant with the growing use of mobile apps such as the Facebook and YouTube app. People browse more often through their mobile devices so you need to make sure that the content posted on social media sites are ready for these searches.

This optimization process needs to be carefully studied as it requires close attention to both, the social media profiles as well as the posts. Brands and companies must ensure that they describe themselves as perfectly as possible in the About Us description sections, complete with data-backed keywords. The posts should be unique, engaging and interactive while the images must be high-quality ones. You can also use the Open Graph Protocol to take full advantage of your control over how your content appears when it eventually gets posted online. Your content should be mobile-friendly and it’s also advisable to link your posts across various platforms and include links to your website and blog.

In a nutshell, website development and social media marketing needs to stop being treated as two different things; rather treat both as two parts of the brand’s overall online presence and you can reap the best out of your online campaign.


We all know how rapidly the online marketing industry continues to grow and improve and it’s natural for marketers to sometimes feel the pressure getting to them as they struggle to stay ahead in the latest developments and ensure that their online campaigns are successful. But through these struggles, we are sure that we will see how much more the internet still can offer in terms of marketing.

While 2015 was indeed an exciting year for marketers, this year has some wonderful new trends in store as well. Lets look forward to seeing and experiencing the developments that are set to take the online world by storm in 2016.